So far I have learnt lots of things. How to shower with a bucket and jug. Though, in truth, this wasn't really a skill I had to learn as such. In fact I'm quite confident that even without Delhi I would know how to do that. So maybe I should write, putting in to practice how to shower with a bucket and jug. How to go to the toilet with no paper and just a jug. This one I definitely did not know how to do beforehand. Though I picked it up quick (no pun intended) but I really think it is one of those skills that I'll get better and quicker at the longer I am here. A life skill, but not necessarily something that I will boast about and perform at parties. I've learnt that urine really does not have a good smell. This I've learnt is true of urine during the day, afternoon, or night, up the wall, on the pavement, on the grass, on the sand, in designated toilet holes, or whether it is adult, child, horse or cattle. None of it is nose-pleasing, or, let's be honest, toe-pleasing in flip-flops. I've learnt that I could never drive in Delhi. Imagine all of the cars, bicycles, motorbikes, rickshaws and pedestrians that you possibly can and put them all into the same roadway, all going in different directions. The roads tend to have three lanes but apparently this means five, not three, vehicles can use them. It reminds me of a child playing with toy cars - zooming the cars here and there, bashing into each other, and crossing, turning and reversing in possibly every spot not recommended by the Highway Code. It's a giggle. I have, however, also learnt that I really don't want to get ill. I spent most of last night listening to someone, or I hope more than one person otherwise I seriously worry for the future of this probably now frail, nothing-left-but-skin-and-bones individual, vomitting around every 5 minutes. It did not sound an ounce of enjoyment. I am, therefore, being extremely liberal with my poncey anti-bacterial hand wash that I was a bit scoffy of bringing.
Anyway, it's all going well and it's just getting used to the hustle an bustle of it all. We are leaving Delhi tomorrow for Jaipur.
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