We are in the South, in Goa, and there's not much to report. Other than the fact that I love it here. I've been itching to head to the South of India since the beginning of our trip. It is so much more relaxed and has a completely different vibe. When we arrived Amy started to feel unwell on the bus and sat down amongst everyone who was stood up. She instantly had elderly women offering up their seats for her, stroking her hand and rubbing Tiger Balm on her forehead. Everything just seems more relaxed and a lot more friendly.
We've set-up camp in Panaji - mainly because our hotel manager keeps suggesting things for us to do, so we keep booking more nights here. Last night he suggested we went to see Slumdog Millionaire, seeing as everyone in India is crazy about it, at the cinema. It was great. We even splurged on popcorn (we opted for caramel over the cheese variety). I'll admit that we nearly didn't go because we turned up ten minutes late and I am a manic perfectionist and I can't stand to watch a film when I've missed the beginning, but Amy prevailed. I did enjoy it, but I will be thinking about those ten minutes and when I'll get my opportunity to see them for probably the entire trip. Today we bussed it to a Spice plantation, which was a bit of a let down and ended up being more of an expensive spiced up meal, though we ate so much (free for all buffets are my favourite) we won't be needing any dinner. And tomorrow we are trying out a ferry to some wildlife Island thing. And the day after that is already covered by another town nearby, and the best flea market in Goa. It's so nice to relax a little. Now we just need to hope the manager runs out of activities for us so we can finally make it to a beach.
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